In the middle of the night you might hear strange thumping sounds, maybe a loud bang, some low monotounus hum-swish and last night a power tool outside the house late at night. I took this pic with a strong flash. He was "caught in the act". :-)
Atlanta, Georgia. John Finnberg and Joacim Cans, tour-booker extraordinaire and HammerFall-singer extraordinaire, having a few drinks. The drinks were actually flouresent. I'm not kidding.
In Finland people buy cheaper and therefore weaker beers in the bars and then mix in 96% pure alcohol (ethyl alcohol), which they brought with them into the bar secretly, to make it stronger. In the pic: Jens Johansson, who is only half Finnish, that's why he brings only half a bottle of alcohol. Another odd thing. People bring spices like curry and Tabasco with them to restaurants since the food is often un-spicy and somewhat tasteless.
Here they swim at the zoo shop, Akvarietjänst in Malmö. Jacobfreibergis (not seen here) and some Red Zebras. The Red Zebras are a mix from our own and Åke Unger's price winning zebras caught in the wild.
We went to an Indian restaurant afterwards. Jenny had some picled gouramies.
Kiev's Mc Donalds. A Porn-Burger maybe? Everyone was a bit worried if they would develop three eyes (four eyes) or/and start glowing after eating. Chernobyl is just outside Kiev. Porn means: Royal.
A typial "eastern looking car" This is a Lada. They are always in really bright and strong colors.
Our (cross)dressing room. "Primadonja" it says. Yes, I know the Cyrillic letters a bit. Maybe Primadonja means artist in Russian?
Kiev Railway station. Everything in Ukraine and Russia is big except the cars. The cars btw you will see breaking down (or broken down) at all times. If you go ten miles on any road you will see at least 50 broken down cars at the side of the road.
On our way to Moscow.
Oscar and my train compartment. It was a twin room with no heater control. It was probably 30 degrees in there. Oscars bed to the right (with all the beers and wine). Joacim was directly on the other side of the thin wall bunking with Fredrik. They try to get the calm ones together and the wild ones separately. The band and crew had a whole train car to ourselves almost. A few other poor bastards where there as well. I guess they didn't get any sleep either since Oscar and some of the crew were in party mode. Between the Ukraine border and the Russian border it was a three hour train ride. A bit odd.
In the 80-ties we toured the Soviet Union with Rising Force for six weeks once. The trains where similar then but I think they hade open fire heaters in our car. We sold 15 millon records in Russia with one album (Trilogy) and got a bunch of coal and oil stocks as royalty. I personally didn't get any coal just a bunch of Borscht soup...
Bobo Stenson (not seen) on piano, Stefan Kärfve bass, Sammy Rimington sax/clarinet and yours truly on kit drums. We played swing and standards for an hour and 20 minutes. Jazz musicians are so different than rock musicians. No rehearsals almost, even though no one had ever played together before. Music is like a language, with different dialects. I speak many different dialects.
Jenny and Tina Mollington took me and Sören (Vettu-Fardvik) to a horse field competition. They were galloping (cantering) at full speed over sturdy and sharp obstacles. If they mess up it's quite dangerous since the obstacles don't collapse at all.
We tried to go to a somewhat fancy restaurant with Jens. He was making really loud puking sounds while having dessert. I mean, it was LOUD! Really embarrasing. He kept going on and on and on...seemed like an eternity.
We played at Sonissphere this summer. We played before Mötley Crüe. This is their drummer's bass drum. It was raining a lot that day. When we played it was a light drizzle mist but when we were done a terrible down pour started for hours. It created a small lake wher the 48 000 people were standing. The worst weather at a festival I've ever seen in my 30 years as a musician.