You usually, depending if it's a top or bottom bunk, have an outlet (mine had broken plastic but worked. See: middle top in pic), a fan and a light. On my bed there are:
2 x bottles with antiseptic alcohol for hands
1 x harmonica
1 x bootleg HF-hat
1 x reflecting band for arm
1 x computer with case (PC)
1 x old Nokia phone (I'm the only one without Iphone or Mac computer)
1 x fairly new Nokia phone (N8 from Katching)
2 x pillow
1 x blanket
1 x thermometer

It's hard to sleep on busses if you are not used to it, which I fortunatelly am.. Imagine a sleeping train and magnify it by 5. Bumpy roads (eastern Europe is really interesting), driver slamming on the brakes. Driver having a hard time with a gear. The whole thing shaking and wobbling. The bus feeling like it's running into a ravine. Driver feeling sleepy and driving onto side of the road. Band members screaming and shouting (partying) all night, band members and/or crew snoring. Band members or crew having terrible nightmares and screaming in agony. Loud bangs from doors when bus is parked. Loud music at all times.
We have gotten a different bus now...I'll report later how it's going.
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